Mistress Jardena is a sadist and a damn good one at that. She loves to torture people and she finds a lot of joy in doing it. That is why today she felt that it was time for her to degrade this loser and do it as a way to teach him a lesson as he had lied to her. So she tied him up while naked and she ass fucked him using a strapon.
This guy had mistress Nina's money and he had refused to pay up. She had loaned him with the understanding that he was to pay in a month but it was several months down the line and he kept giving her excuses. So the mistress ass fucked him with a strapon and to her shock, she got the money the next day as the guy knew the debt would cause a lot of harm to him.
This mistress had tried so many naughty things but she had never tried strapon videos. She felt that since she was slowing down on her naughtiness, she had to try strapon fetish so that when she finally bowed out of the stage, she would have done everything in her bucket list. So she got a loser who was dying to fuck her and she turned him into a strapon slave and fucked him with it.
Since her husband was not satisfied with her pussy, goddess Andova decided to use her strapon to satisfy him. She ass fucked him and made sure he felt all the pain she wanted him to feel. And he felt all of it. He cried out and told her he was sorry for what he had done and he promised her that he would never do what he had done again.
This mistress did not like the way this guy had fucked her. And when she told him to do better, he had attitude and she felt like he was using her. She did not want to deal with such a guy and she took her strapon and she ass fucked him to teach him how he was supposed to do it. He was in pain and he screamed out loud and told her he would make it up to her.
Mistress Iside wanted to a new way to torture whoever pissed her off. She did not want to always use the same method as she knew it was bound to be ineffective at one point as her slave would get used to it. So today she discovered strapon fetish and she used it to torture her slave by deepthroating him and also ass fucking him. It was brutal as she did not even use lube.
Goddess Lena wanted this rude guy to learn never to be rude to other people. He was so used to that and he had never been made to pay for it. Goddess Lena was not going to allow him to get away with it and that is how she tortured him so that he stopped it. The angry mistress used a strapon to fuck his ass and inflict untold pain.
When mistress Megan realized that she had tried all she could with her slave and yet he kept messing, she knew it was time to use the big guns. So she came with a strapon which she used to fuck him in the ass. He was in the pain of a lifetime and he regretted why he had disobeyed her. He tried to plead for mercy but she did not show him any.
Goddess Nika felt that this guy needed to be punished. And that is what she did. The mistress used her strapon to punish him. He had tried to steal from the wrong lady. He took her for granted and thought he could do whatever he wanted and then get away with it. And that she would be too scared to do anything. He was wrong as she caught him, wrestled with him and she tied him up then ass fucked him even though he was straight.
Goddess Yasemin was so angry at her husband for squandering their savings that she had to do something crazy. The mistress felt that using a strapon to ass fuck him was the best way to punish him and so she did it. She enjoyed how painful it was for him and she told him he had only a year to get back all their money otherwise she would do the same thing over and over again until he brought back all the money he had squandered.